
NAMPA makes every effort to simplify its privacy practices to make it accessible and understandable to all Users. NAMPA requires certain personal information from the User when they subscribe; including a unique email address, job function & region and company / organisation they represent. Subject to these Terms, NAMPA shall not provide, sell or distribute the User's e-mail address or any personal information to any third party for any reason whatsoever and shall not authorise the use thereof by any such third party without the prior written permission of the User. NAMPA also collects information relating to the device/s used by Users to access NAMPA Sites.

General information provided by the User to NAMPA is used for statistical analysis which is to be used to promote and enhance the User's experience when using NAMPA sites and to provide prospective advertisers with statistical information. Detailed information relating to this technology is available at: Google Analytics and/or their Wikipedia page.

The Website is build and maintained by an external service provider entrusted with all information related thereto. NAMPA has made every effort including employment of design and contractual measures to protect the security of users' personal information and any information received by it. Despite such undertaking, it is possible for internet-based communications to be intercepted. Without the use of encryption, the internet in not s secure medium and privacy cannot be ensured. Internet e-mail is vulnerable to interception and forging. The owners will not be liable for any damages you or a third party may suffer as a result of the transmission of any information, be it confidential or otherwise, that you may make to NAMPA through the internet, or that you expressly or implicitly authorise NAMPA to make, or for any errors or any changes made to any transmitted information.


Telling the Namibian Story

Updated 2024-08-11